Maharishi Agastya

Sage Maharishi Agastya

Maharishi Agastya was a Vedic sage and is considered one of the Saptarishis. He was the elder brother of Vashistha Muni. Maharishi Agastya is considered the son of the sage Pulastya; Pulastya was the son of Lord Brahma. Rishi Agastya is one of the most admired and reputed sages in Hinduism, whose contribution to literature, medicine, astrology, yoga, arts, and science will always remain immeasurable.

Maharishi Agastya is called Mantradishta Rishi because he saw the power of those mantras in his penance. Many mantras of the Rigveda are visualized by him. Maharishi Agastya had told the Suktas from 165 Sukta to 191 of the first Mandal of Rigveda.

Agastya Rishi is a fatherly figure in Tamil culture and literature, who was the author of the first Tamil language grammar, Agattiyam. He was the one who has written text and scriptures on Nadi Astrology – widely popular in the Kerala state of India.

Another great contribution by Sage Agastya includes the creation of the  sacred hymn “Ādityahrdayam”(Aditya Hrudayam Stotram) dedicated to the Surya Dev (the sun god). He also provided us with Lalita Sahasranama – a Vedic text dedicated to Devi Lalita. This text includes the thousands of names of the Maa Shakti (divine motherly goddess).